Thursday, April 21, 2011


It has been a while since I have written on this blog, but please just know that I only blog when something happens that SCREAMS, "GOD DID THIS!"

Some may know that almost five years ago I had a miscarriage.  It was a set of twins, I was heart broken.  To make a long story short, I now have Gavin.  He was conceived about a month after the miscarriage.  During the ordeal, I prayed a simple prayer, "God please don't use me and this miscarriage because someone close to us will go though this too.  God, I don't know if I am strong enough to handle that."

Well the Lord doesn't answer every prayer, he did use me, but he also vindicated my  Sit right there and I'll tell you.

Two close friends of mine had multiple miscarriages.  One of the women was of super strong faith, and began to question her faith...she turnned to me, and I had to respond.  You see, when I miscarried, Matt said this to me, "Faith is being able to stand when you don't understand."  He was my rock and I learned so much from him.  I knew that God had directed him and I now had to help my dear friend.  You see, once you lose a baby, you feel for each women that also loses one.  But with this friend, I felt the sting over and over, and it was painful.  I could only imagine her hurt and dissappointment.

Well, after three miscarriages and heartbreakes, she is now pregnant with not one baby but two!  That is right, she is having twins.  I am so elated for her and her husband, and feel so close to these little babes already.  Vindicated!  My little ones are vindicated through her children.  I know it sounds strange, but i feel a connection to her and these babies. 

God is good, and has a reason for all our heartache and pain, remembering He is there and has a purpose is a wonderful thing.

You see, my friend was able to remain very faithful through this journey.  I didn't say she didn't get mad, but she has always been able to give the glory to God.  We should all learn a lesson from her.

Please keep this woman and her family in your prayers...she is only about 6 weeks along, so it will be a long and winding road.

Thanks be to God!

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