Good Morning
Well, I have offically decided to jump on the blogging band wagon. If for nothing else than to express myself and share my "deep" thoughts with the rest of the world. Isn't that what I am susposed to do?
Pure and Simple is the title of this blog, why? Because, Matt and I promised to keep our lives Pure and Simple when we got married. So how have we done? Well, we have three boys, all of which were drama at birth. Jack who is almost 6 is a wonderful helper and simply a magnificiant child. Gavin, 3.5, is a spark plug of a child, he has such a strong will and a firey spirit, I know that one day he'll move mountins. He keeps us on our toes and I have learned so much from him. Patience is one of the first traits that Gavin is teaching me. I am sure you will read a lot about him on this blog : )
Now Emmett, our newest addition, is only 3 weeks old. He decided to join us five weeks early. He was so small that Matt and I didn't know what to do with him. How to pray, that is what Emmett taught me. Matt and I hit our knees so fast I am sure the dr's heads were spinning. Emmett only had to spend 10 days in the Special Care Nursery, and for that we are thankful. He is growing very quickly and we can't wait to update everyone on all his progress.
So Pure and Simple...we are busy, we run around crazy on a daily basis, and we sometimes forget to kiss eachother goodnight...but at the end of each day we all gather around the table for dinner (of course there are spills and the never ending, "Mom can you get me some more milk?" But we are together. We try each day to center our lives around Christ, and Matt challenges me each day to be a better person by being a better Christian...I am learning. So Pure and Simple it is, our little country life with three boys, two dogs, numerous cats at any given time, and two fish.
awww what a nice way to begin your blog....I am looking forward to more of your posts....hopefully you will share photos of your little blessings